


You've found the blog of Lee Thomas, a hobbyist computer programmer. I started programming when I was 12 or 13, and these days I only really partake when I've got some spare time and a surge of creativity. (Both rare.)

I got my start with the Playstation 2's bundled demo disc, which included a version of Yabasic. (Apparently, they did this to bypass European import taxes, and I'm glad!) Shortly afterwards, my uncle lent (gave, eventually...) me his copy of a Visual Basic 6.0 book and I was well away. From there I started soaking up every bit of programming knowledge I could get my grubby little hands on, from C and C++, to HTML and JavaScript and everything in between.

I don't work as any kind of software developer, and I don't really intend to. I code to unwind, and I couldn't imagine anything more horrible than getting home from work and being sick of the sight of a screen full of code.

So I named this blog Code Unwinding. I sometimes like to write about what I'm coding, to help me figure things out, to solidify knowledge, and just to share. Who knows, maybe something on here will even be helpful to someone!

Enjoy your stay.

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